Html, Css, and Javascript.  What Is The Next Step?

Photo by Dan Wayman on Unsplash

Html, Css, and Javascript. What Is The Next Step?


3 min read

If you have learned HTML, CSS, and Javascript, congratulations. You are a successful Front-end developer.

But it is not enough to work for a company or as a professional freelancer ๐Ÿ˜ฅ. Do you think that HTML or CSS code is quite long and may be missing some programming features" I assume you have already known javascript frameworks. So I will not talk about this". If your answer to my question is:

Yes: you have a point.

No: I have a point ๐Ÿ˜›.

. CSS frameworks: Bootstrap or Tailwind.

. Sass

. Pug

. Gulp.js

. Unit Testing

These are your next step to mastering. Why? It is what I will talk about in this article.

CSS Frameworks

Okay, if you created a simple range of projects, you may feel that there is repeated code in CSS that takes time to rewrite. And if you work for a company, time is money. You are a professional freelancer. Your time is money. So, CSS frameworks solve that. It prepares ready CSS components. When using it well, you may not need to open the CSS file.

There is an objection to me โœ‹. If the project is not big enough, using a framework may be useless. also, it will take up a lot of space when uploading your website.


Have you ever thought about CSS with the features of programming? Variables, loops, conditions, etc. You can find it in SASS.

SASS is a CSS pre-processor. It's an incredible way to create a professional structure. You can find the features of programming and other unique features in Sass.

Side Note: I will create a series of posts about it because it is one of my best tools. But this will be after I finish my school exams.


It is a template engine. It compiles to HTML and gives you the features of programming in HTML (like Sass in CSS). Things like variables, loops, and conditions will make your HTML code much easier.


Gulp.js is a toolkit to automate your workflow. It saves a lot of time. It helps you in things like compiling Sass and Pug. Coping and pasting files and folders automatically.

Unit Testing With Jest

It is a testing method for your javascript code. It verifies the behavior of a unit of software in the system. Honestly, I didn't use it very much. But I recommend using it.

Okay, it is the end of this article. All these tools make your life easier. The client doesn't need it, but you need it to speed โ€‹โ€‹up your work. If you have other suggestions, share them with me ๐Ÿ‘‚.

Thanks for reading.
